Aghaverdiyeva,Maryam vs. Yelmarova,Natavan - AZE-ch 1st League Women 2025 1-0
In the game between Aghaverdiyeva and Yelmarova on January 7, 2025, in the AZE-ch 1st League Women 2025 event, player Maryam made a move with her Rook, moving it to square 6. This move fails to capitalize on potential threats, missing an opportunity to put pressure on her opponent's position. By not revealing an attack on a piece, she also loses the chance to improve her escape options from any forthcoming attacks. Furthermore, this move only strengthens her opponent's defense around that piece, making it even more difficult for Maryam to launch a successful counterattack. The Rook's development is somewhat hindered by this move, as it does not contribute meaningfully to her overall attacking strategy. Instead, the Rook develops towards more active play, which may indicate a longer-term plan rather than a short-term gain.
[Date "2025.01.07"]