Aghamirzayeva,Rena vs. Nuriyeva,Nurtan - AZE-ch 1st League Women 2025 1/2-1/2
In the game between Aghamirzayeva and Nuriyeva on 2025.01.07 in the AZE-ch 1st League Women 2025 event, player Aghamirzayeva made the move Qb6 with the white pieces playing black.
The move Qb6 is characterized by Aghamirzayeva missing an opportunity to pose a significant threat on the board. Instead of exploiting this advantage, she chose not to pursue it further, thus allowing her opponent Nuriyevna to potentially counterattack and gain an upper hand. By doing so, Aghamirzayeva also failed to reveal any attack on one of her own pieces, leaving it vulnerable to a potential kick by the opponent's piece.
Furthermore, this move prevented Aghamirzayeva from developing another piece effectively, as she was instead focusing on preparing for active play with her queen. Overall, the Qb6 move can be seen as a missed chance to take advantage of a strategic position and instead opted for a more passive approach that ultimately may put her at a disadvantage.
[Date "2025.01.07"]