Advik Amit Agrawal vs. Sethuraman,S.P. - Goa GM Open 2025 0-1
In the game between Advik Amit Agrawal playing with white pieces versus Sethuraman,S.P. in the Goa GM Open 2025 on January 11, 2025, the move Kf3 by White is noteworthy. This pawn move follows a capture but fails to capitalize on its advantage. By not pressing on with an attack, it ignores a strong threat chance that might have caught Black off guard. Additionally, this move allows the opponent's piece to potentially kick back and gain counterplay. The move also misses the opportunity to defend an unprotected piece, which could have mitigated some of White's exposure. Furthermore, Kf3 is a development move that sets up the white knight for active play in the game ahead.
[Date "2025.01.11"]