Abhishek,Kelkar vs. Ghoderao Sunil P - 1st Konde Memorial 2025 1-0
In the 1st Konde Memorial 2025 event on 2025.02.02, White player Abhishek Kelkar made a move that would be replayed: d8=Q+. This move allowed Black to lose material in exchange for some strategic advantage. It forced Black's Ghoderao Sunil P to make a piece move, which might not have been ideal. By playing this move, White gained a tempo advantage over their opponent. However, it's also worth noting that White missed the chance to escape an impending attack. On the other hand, White did defend an attacked piece effectively with this move. The Queen on d8 is now well protected, but unfortunately for White, they didn't find better protection for an underdefended piece. This move does create a fork, attacking multiple pieces, but it's also true that White missed developing their Queen piece earlier in the game. Overall, playing d8=Q+ was a calculated risk by Abhishek Kelkar.
[Date "2025.02.02"]