2KRK1 vs. Piddubna, Bozhena - September 03 Late 2024 1-0
In the September 03 Late 2024 event on 2024.09.03, player 2KRK1 playing with white pieces faced player Piddubna, Bozhena playing with black pieces. Black's move Re8 allowed white to gain material advantage. The move failed to threaten white's position. It did not take advantage of white's vulnerable pieces. Black missed an opportunity to capture white's material. The move overlooked a potential attack on one of white's pieces. Black's knight had a better move available. However, the move connected black's rooks, enabling them to work together more effectively. Placing the rooks on the open e-file strengthened black's position8. Black could have captured a white outpost with a different move. An exchange of material on a different square would have been more favorable for black. Placing the rook on the e-file allowed black to control the open file. Black's piece development was hindered by the move. Alternatively, the move helped black's piece become more active.